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Four things that misunderstood lubricant

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Four things that misunderstood lubricant

Date of release:2017-12-09 Author: Click:

With the improvement of living standards, automobiless have become the indispensable means of transport for every family. In some large population provinces, especially in Shandong, sales of Shandong lubricants have been increasing year by year due to the increasing demand. Due to the use of time, the use of the situation is very complicated statistics, the gradual development of the automobiles market in the process of mileage has become a habit of reference, but also can well represent the use of lubricants. Following Xiaobian inventory most people will misunderstand the four things lubricating oil:

Misunderstanding 1: 5000 km for oil

5000 km maintenance of a habit is actually an accident, and later gradually by the market. But each person with a different car, Suzhou industrial lubricants, such as a car running perennial high-speed, although the course more, but the engine running time is actually not long, the engine load is relatively small. 5000 km at this time change the oil becomes a waste. In the domestic market under the complex pressure, there are still many manufacturers to adopt a 5,000 km maintenance policy, but for the synthetic motor oil, this is undoubtedly a waste.

Myth # 2: bad mineral oil performance

Mineral oil and synthetic lubricants mainly in the difference between the base oil, base oil will affect the low temperature fluidity, high temperature and high pressure oxidation resistance and other indicators, but in fact for cleaning, abrasion resistance and other indicators, additives is the key . If you are not frequent car friends, choose a good performance mineral oil can meet the needs of vehicles. The same mineral oil is also good or bad, its performance may be completely different additives, so do not think that mineral oil will certainly not good.

Myth # 3: Semi-synthetic oil is half and half

We used to synthetic oil and mineral oil mixed modulation of oil called semi-synthetic oil, but in fact semi-synthetic oil is not allocated 1: 1, different prices, different brands have different proportions, the same semi-synthetic oil performance There may be huge differences.

So in the choice of semi-synthetic oil not covet cheap, or oil performance fails to become a very bad thing. After all, the durability of synthetic oil and low temperature fluidity is unmatched by mineral oil.

Myth 4: What is the overall performance of lubricants

After years of accumulation of technology and market maturity, almost every home-based lubricant brand has its own unique advantages. Affect the performance of oil indicators are clean, abrasion resistance, volatility, oxidation resistance, etc., and different brands have their own stress and bias.

The address of this article:http://m.octxhq.cn/en/news/358.html

Related labels:Suzhouindustriallubricants

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